Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stargirl and Love, Stargirl

Happy March! This book (Stargirl) I initially had to read for school, but at soon as we finished the first chapter in class, there was no stopping me from practically running to the bookstore ASAP.

Leo Borlock, a tenth-grader at Mica High in Phoenix, Arizona, goes to school every day that is so conformed, its bland as…well, Mica (haha get it?). Until a freckle-nosed-home-schooler with a rather bizarre name (take a wild guess J) comes into play and swirls the school into a multi-colored granite. At first, the curious Stargirl gets the cold shoulder in Arizona, but then she dazzles the town with a spirited performance of a one-girl-half-time-show at a once drab football game.  Suddenly, the school gets back its spirit, and individuality is the newest trend. Beautifully written, Stargirl is absolutely insightful and well conveys the message of how important individuality is.

As for Love, Stargirl, it’s equally delightful. Told in letters from Stargirl to Leo, fans of Stargirl will eat up Stargirl’s optimistic, carefree attitude. Even though it’s not told in Stargirl’s perspective, I felt like I was experiencing the story like a Star-person J. Overall, this pair is quite inspiring.

Any questions, comments, compliments, criticisms, quips, quotes, or quarries? Post a comment! Keep in mind I’ll be happy to review your favorite book. 



    k bye.

    your goldfish stealer who moved to boston

  2. Anna, I love your review of Stargirl. It's nice to know you enjoyed the book as much as me. Stargirl has certainly inspired me to be who I am, and Leo taught me the importance of following my heart. Keep up the good work with this blog! It's certainly a great way to get your ideas out to others. Plus, it's helps us decide what to read next. Maybe I'll read The Lightening Thief over spring break!
    Mrs. Laws :)

    1. Ms. Laws,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog! It means so much to me. Stargirl has become such a role model to me too! Now whenever I see a penny on the side walk, I leave it there and imagine the face of a smiling child beaming with excitement as they find it themselves :).
      Sincerely, Anna :)
